Elementary School

Elementary School

The Elementary School program at FAS is from 1st grade through 5th grade. We believe that students, from the beginning of Elementary School, must be active participants in their learning. In this, we teach what it means to “take ownership” of their learning and their behavior. Students are led by knowledgeable and loving staff in approaching different ways of learning, stepping outside the box, and taking risks in the classroom. The Elementary School curriculum is aligned with Common Core State Standards and follows a Standards Based grading scale for Grades 1 and 2 and traditional grading for grades 3,4 and 5. The program includes core subjects taught in a homeroom class environment with 2 qualified certified co teachers along with (specialists) classes which include Art, Music,French , IT , SEL , Arabic , NS , Religion and Physical Education. The core subjects include: English, science, social studies and math.

Elementary School Program (Grades 1-5)


Students in Grades K–5 gradually move from a developmentally based program toward a more formalized approach to learning. Children continue to learn by doing, practicing previously learned skills and acquiring new ones. Language Arts: Learning to read is an excursion into the unknown. It's about meeting challenges head-on and gaining confidence with each victory. Preparing students for this voyage requires a program that lets teachers introduce the right discoveries at the right time, this is why FAS uses the Journeys curriculum. Journeys is a comprehensive K-5 English language arts program. It provides an instructional system for reading both literature and informational texts, for acquiring foundational skills, and for developing mastery of speaking, listening and writing.

The Fountas & Pinnell Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study System (PWS) is a collection of 100 lessons (PreK-3) a designed to expand and refine children’s reading and writing powers, and enable you to help children attend to, learn about, and efficiently use information about sounds, letters, and words. Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study Lessons, also include features that enable you to plan and teach efficiently and systematically.


Language Arts
Learning to read is an excursion into the unknown. It's about meeting challenges head-on and gaining confidence with each victory. Preparing students for this voyage requires a program that lets teachers introduce the right discoveries at the right time, this is why FAS uses the Journeys curriculum. Journeys is a comprehensive K-5 English language arts program. It provides an instructional system for reading both literature and informational texts, for acquiring foundational skills, and for developing mastery of speaking, listening, and writing.

About Randa

Meet the Elementary School Principal

16 years of experience